My Inspirement™ empowers executives at all ages and stages of transition to shine even brighter.
My Inspirement. Shine On.
“The My Inspirement workshop was a mind-opening experience of finding my work-life inspirations; a journey above and beyond the balance.”
Executive Workshops
Two-hour, interactive workshop for Leaders - especially, but not exclusively women - at any age or stage of transition.
Leadership Advising
Focused, one-on-one time to help you challenge your status quo, or prep for critical life-work decisions.
Inspiring Resources
Original and curated content to inspire you. Lifestyle resources recommended by the community.
“This workshop reminded me to prioritize and make time for the things that bring me joy.”
“My Inspirement helped me realize that planning for the future allows you to have options that ultimately lead to your freedom.”
My Inspirement harnesses 25+ years of professional and personal development, and real-world experiences, into a powerful and engaging workshop.
“I started to get tears in my eyes when we were writing in our journals about the people that we have in our lives that support us. Just thinking about it and putting it on paper was so powerful for me.”
“No matter how you are contributing to your company, or where you are in your career journey, the My Inspirement workshop will offer a level of reflection to let go and live the life you want throughout your career as an end to a means, not a means to an end.”
“I’m so grateful for your workshop this week. It was perfection to start it all off with that meditation, and you gave me so much to think about. So timely.”
Two highly-interactive, impactful hours to INVEST in YOU.
Clarity on your value at any age or stage of transition
Jumpstart the Future
Inspiration for What’s Enough and What’s Next
Clarity on Core Values
Un-tap What Fuels Your Soul
Vetted Tools + Resources to Help Navigate
New Community Connections to Champion + Leverage